Meghan Markle’s Handwriting on Larry King Show

Meghan Markle’s Handwriting on Larry King Show

As Meghan Markle prepares to enter a new royal life, she is stepping into the spotlight and millions have taken a shine to her. With good reason. If you have not watched this video, separate from the Larry King youtube video…..prepare to be quite inspired AND...
Trump, Clinton, Sanders: My CNN Interview

Trump, Clinton, Sanders: My CNN Interview

You may be interested in seeing the article published by CNN after they contacted me to analyze Trump, Hillary and Bernie’s handwriting.   You can read the FULL CNN Article here: (Then come right...
Holy Hutzpa! It’s National Handwriting Week.

Holy Hutzpa! It’s National Handwriting Week.

Batman and Robin have got nothing on us!   We are fast encroaching upon National Handwriting Week– this year it is January  19th   through January 25th and is centered around National Handwriting Day  which is  based on the birthday of John Hancock’s...
Margaret Thatcher’s Handwriting

Margaret Thatcher’s Handwriting

Recognized as a prime minister who transformed the face of Britain, Margaret Thatcher will be  remembered as one of the most important figures in modern British history. After 11 years in power – and winning three elections, she had been  prime minister  longer...