Handwriting Reveals Signs of Suicide

What to look for before it’s to late…

Handwriting Reveals Signs of Suicide

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Handwriting Reveals Signs of Suicide is a short report that will disclose the full grocery list of traits that reveal depression.

“I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams.”   Dr. Jonas Salk

When 5 or more of these traits are present in one’s handwriting, it is a strong indication of depression and it is definitely advised to seek support from friends and/or a professional.

A reminder:  serious illness does not just happen overnight.  You can set an intention to empower yourself to do whatever you need to take care of you.   “Where intention goes, energy follows” – it’s another way of saying what you focus on will grow.”

Meditate, take more walks in nature, drink more water, get plenty of rest, do things daily that will expand a feeling or a level of comfort within you.  There are dozens of ways every day that you can give your immune system a little boost. Laughter is one.  The time is now.  Just as no 2 snowflakes are alike, neither are 2 handwriting samples the same.  That means you are one in a billion.  And you are worth it.

It is a little known fact that handwriting can reveal even more than the character of the writer, more than his strengths, weaknesses, emotional and mental aptitudes……it can reveal surprising even shocking information about the state of his health, both mental and physical. Learn the 13 signs of suicide in the easy to follow report for only $.99 (cents)…


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Handwriting Reveals Signs of Suicide


(Isn't a Life Worth it?)

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