Handwriting Analysis – It’s So Much Fun


What if you knew how to analyze handwriting – how would that change your life?

In my book Handwriting Analysis: The Good, The “Un-good”, and the Unexpected, I reveal many different ways you can use in your every day life

On Page 18 I reveal:

A powerful stroke to know ahead of time if you hire someone for any aspect of your business.  This writer is going to be efficient and will find the shortest most effective way to get a project, any project, done!   You can expect them to speak directly and be problem solvers.

On Page 29 I reveal:

An enviable trait to know.   Looking for as roommate who will be tidy?  Be sure they dot their small letter i’s like this.

Dotting their i’s consistently and directly above and close to the i also tells you they have a memory like an elephant which will help them pay their share of the bills on time!

On Page 32 I reveal:

A writer who writes with their small cursive letter l’s open with a nice open loop in them.

Do you have this in your own handwriting?  This reveals one who has many hopes and dreams for the future.  This is an excellent graphotherapy stroke you can actually build in to your own handwriting starting today. Practicing writing this stroke literally pulls one out of “stinkin thinkin”.

On Page 37 I reveal:

A red flag.  When you spot this particular letter d, you will be grateful to be warned well ahead of time who has an explosive temper. When you see this in handwriting, it is guaranteed this writer has anger issues.   Handwriting never lies.

On Page 40 I reveal:

Warning-Warning!  You are on your way to being your own private detective! There is a stroke called a “club stroke” which is a big red flag if you see it in someone’s handwriting.  If you ever see this in handwriting you would be wise to realize this writer had tendencies to hit first and ask questions later. There will be a very strong decisive forcefulness that lies just below the surface of this writer.

On Page 46 I reveal:

Have you ever gotten in a professional or personal relationship only to find out the person gives you whiplash with their mood swings?   How to spot a schizophrenic in 5 seconds or less. Anyone can do this!

And there is so much more!

I’m really excited to share these ideas with you. I know you’re going to love being able to see the “hidden” traits you share with the world through your own signature, and you’ll wow and amaze your friends with the ability to look deep inside who they really are.

Take the next step now, and order by book Handwriting Analysis: The Good, The “Un-good”, and the Unexpected. You’ll love what it reveals about you.

BONUS: Order today and your copy will be autographed!


Kathi President, RMGA


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