“A whole human life is just a heartbeat here in Heaven. Then we’ll all be together forever.” What Dreams May Come
The world was shocked and saddened to hear of the quite unexpected passing of Robin Williams on August 11th, 2014.
I wanted to find a special handwriting sample of one of the most beloved and well known comedians of all time and thanks to my unfailing and reliable source at Autograph Magazine, Steve Cyrkin delivered.
Admittedly, the “what” that someone writes is typically the last thing I look at, I’m far more absorbed in the “how” they wrote, when analyzing handwriting but I was taken aback by the heartfelt poem that Williams composed.
Take a minute to enjoy the full poem, then I’ll share a few findings about his handwriting when you return.
Starting with the most obvious: his signature. A signature is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to handwriting analysis but what does show often carries 3-5 x the weight of importance compared to the rest of one’s writing.
The long “caution stroke” which trails out endlessly at the end of his name reveals the depth of trepidation, carefulness and caution for his own future, at least at a subconscious level. Despite the fact that the baseline seems to slant upwards (typically revealing optimism).
The tittles or i dots are consistently placed directly above the i stem, revealing Williams consistent loyalty to things of most importance to him. And also his amazing memory.
Other structures in the handwriting reveal a man of sentiment, heartfelt compassion. Friends and family meant the world to Williams. He was honest to a fault perhaps, and prone to impulse but he was certainly feeling upbeat and optimistic as he shared his poem on paper. (More on this in a future article)
I love that he wrote in cursive, revealing more of himself. He would tenaciously, stubbornly stubbornly stick with a project or something important to him, and see it through to fruition.
When I looked at his writing I was surprised to see something that told me he was a gentle soul. (Found particularly in the rounded tops of his s’s) I discovered that others who knew, loved and respected him felt the same- Meryl Streep, ‘Robin Williams was gentle soul with unstoppable energy’; Michael J. Fox tweeted “Famously kind, ferociously funny, a genius and a gentle soul. What a loss.”
And that mind that raced ahead of everyone also shows in his signature. You don’t have to be a graphologist to see how speedily he signs his name. So quickly that some of the letters are not discernible. When handwriting becomes ‘threaded’ it reveals a writer who can see the end result so fast that they can be impatient with the details and want to get to the punch line! Even though at the end of the line he showed great caution. I wonder deep down if he knew he needed to be careful and not race to the end too- too soon.
Goodbye Robin, we just hated to see you go.
Or as they say goodbye in Orkan, “Nanu nanu.”
Robin Williams July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014 R.I.P.
Kathi McKnight
Your “Write” Coach
As seen on Dr. Oz, Kathi is an internationally recognized graphologist, analyzing handwriting since 1991. For more information visit www.TheHandwritingExpert.com
Loved it Kathi! He will be greatly missed.