Jack Lew’s New and Improved Signature Under Scrutiny

Jack Lew’s New and Improved Signature Under Scrutiny

When you look at Jack Lew’s new and improved signature,  would you be able to read it if you didn’t already know his name?  I really don’t think I could.                                                                                Picture courtesy...
Joran van der Sloot- High Profile Murder

Joran van der Sloot- High Profile Murder

Earlier this week I was contacted by the editor in chief at Vice Magazine in Amsterdam to give my thoughts on a “mystery” handwriting sample.  All I was told is that this was the writing of a famous Dutch person (no gender or any other information was...
Jennifer Aniston’s Handwriting- Is she ready to try again?

Jennifer Aniston’s Handwriting- Is she ready to try again?

  Jennifer Aniston is in the news today, happily engaged to Justin Theroux. We all wish her well! Here is an analysis I did of Jennifer Anistons writing during her break up with Brad Pitt. You can watch it here now:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE7xBIsucDk For more...