The Spiritual Side of Johnny Depp





Being a Romantic
“Am I a romantic? I’ve seen Wuthering Heights ten times. I’m a romantic.”



And now for things that that make you go ……awwww.

Being an Uncle
“My sister Christi had a baby when I was 17, and I had just heard about crib death. The horrible thing was that it wasn’t understood. For some unknown reason the baby would stop breathing. So I would sneak into where the baby was sleeping and put my hand in her crib, hold her little finger, and I’d sleep on the floor like that. It was stupid, I’m sure. But I thought the warmth of my hand might help, that maybe if she felt my pulse it would remind her to breathe.”




On Captain Jack Sparrow
(Captain Jack Sparrow is like a cross between Keith Richards and Pepe Le Pew.

For my analysis of the autograph above, see earlier post please.



We really need to see more of Johnny’s handwriting than just his autograph to see how his quotes match up to his innards.  But the writing appears to be on the wall when it comes to the Softer Side of Hot.

I thought this would be fun to post since the new movie, DARK SHADOWS  is out.  I hope you have enjoyed it!